Prevention is the main combination of fire prevention-Group Headquarters organized the 2023 annual fire drill

     Since the launch of Safety Month, the concept of " safety is heaven " has been effectively implemented on all fronts of the group, and the group has shown a good atmosphere of " everyone says safety and everyone will respond to emergencies. " On the occasion of the full launch of the safety month activities, in order to further consolidate the results of the activities, strengthen the sense of responsibility of the main body of fire safety in enterprises, continue to popularize fire knowledge, enhance the emergency response and escape self-help ability of the group personnel to deal with sudden fire accidents, ensure the personal and property safety of the personnel of each unit of the group, and reduce the losses caused by fire accidents. On the morning of June 30, the integrated management center combined with the HSE department of the group organized the fire drill of the group headquarters in 2023. 

       This exercise was personally seated by Ge Jiacheng, the president of the group, as the general commander of the emergency. Tan Changyan, Director of Administration, served as the Deputy General Commander of Emergency, and set up a firefighting action group, a repair and communication group, an evacuation guidance group, a logistics and ambulance group, and a publicity group. The exercise was strongly supported by the fire squadron in Chengyang District, and the fire trainer was arranged to guide the exercise.

      At 9 : 30 on the same day, in front of the headquarters office building, compulsory firefighter skills training began first. Fire trainers provide professional guidance and training for compulsory firefighters including headquarters security guards, R & D safety officers, and maintenance. The trainer explained the professional precision, and the firefighters listened carefully and executed in place. The execution and fearless spirit of the Heilirs they showed impressed the training teachers.  
       At 10 : 30 a.m., as the alarm bell rang, the safety drill was officially launched. According to the exercise plan, Wang Yuliang, the chef of the restaurant, found that there was smoke and open flames in the restaurant on the first floor of the headquarters. He immediately notified the fire to Tan Changyan, the executive director of the group, and the security guard on duty, called for rescue. Immediately after saying it, the hand-held fire extinguisher began to extinguish the fire, but the fire gradually expanded.

       Vice commander Tan Changyan received the reported information, immediately reported the scene to the emergency commander Ge Jiacheng, the president issued an order : ' immediately start the fire emergency plan, each emergency team to carry out rescue operations. '  
      The emergency repair group Li Zhenghai started the fire pump, the administrative fire-fighting action group connected the fire hose, the research and development fire-fighting action group 's hand-held fire extinguisher rushed to the negative layer, and the communication group Liu Ming started the fire-fighting broadcast to notify all personnel in the office building to evacuate immediately. At the same time, the evacuation command personnel of each department immediately evacuated the personnel on each floor, and suggested that the personnel should bend down and move forward when evacuating, holding a wet towel or protecting the nose and mouth with clothing to prevent smoking and reminding each floor not to take the elevator.  
       With the cooperation of the emergency team, the evacuees were tense and orderly, and the firefighters were busy. All personnel were in danger and quickly transferred to the emergency gathering point under the headquarters office building. The evacuation guidance group counted the personnel of each department, and immediately reported the evacuation and inventory to the deputy commander. The firefighting action group reported the on-site disposal to the deputy commander. The deputy commander Tan Changyan reported to the president that the personnel had been evacuated safely and the danger had been lifted.

       Group President Ge Jia announced the lifting of emergency response, the end of the exercise.

       In the summary of the drill, the president takes the Audis factory, which is outstanding in the safety knowledge competition, as a typical example. He calls on everyone to improve safety knowledge and operational skills, and takes safety month as a new starting point for safety improvement. All personnel, all time, all-round security, so that safety every day.  
       Finally, the fire police on-site hand-held fire extinguisher to do a demonstration, in the fire at the same time to explain the use of fire extinguishers and precautions, about the importance of fighting the initial fire. Subsequently, the employees of the group 's headquarters departments who had not used fire extinguishers rehearsed one by one.

       This fire emergency drill has improved the overall fire awareness of employees, improved the emergency handling ability of fire emergencies, laid a good foundation for the construction of the group 's safe working environment, and made the safety concept more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.